Ode-Dearest Mother


As the days go dark and I tremble with fear;

When I am dazed, confused and nothing seems clear;
The only thing I yearn is for you to be near.

You are like the first Sun after a cold dark winter;
without you, the world is cruel and bitter.

I can see over-brimmed with love are your beautiful eyes;
Hope we will stay together till the end of time;
but I know this is nothing but lies.

A day will come when you’ll say Goodbye;
Crushed will be the dreams I built ever so high.

Horses of the mighty time we can never tame;
nothing is invincible, nothing will remain the same;
but your love will always remain with me.

In the mirror a shadow of you'll always see;
In my life as I move further and further;
Every moment of it I owe it to you my dearest mother.

 & Poet:
Syeda Afeefa Yahya
